Tim Faulkner

Tim Faulkner

General Secretary



Nine years into our ministry as American missionaries in Naples, Italy, God introduced us to a people group that we had previously failed to consider seriously. The English-speaking, internationally residing communities that surround military bases, foreign consulates, university campuses, and multi-national corporations are a group of people that some estimate could be as numerous as the fifth largest nation on the earth. That means that each week the English language has tremendous potential for making disciples in cities around the globe and allows the IBC to make disciples in many places to many people.

Diversity is very common in the IBC. Rare are the churches that are made up of just one or two nationalities. Some of our churches have up to 50 nations present in a Sunday morning service. There is a rich experience that comes from knowing and appreciating the image of God in brothers and sisters of Christ from various ethnic backgrounds. The richness of our diversity is one of the benefits of belonging to our churches. Another benefit is the unity of our bond in Christ.

We can all worship God in English and at times enjoy expressions of worship in other languages as well. The Word of God is available in English and sometimes there is translation extending our impact into the languages of the local populations of our host countries. The list of benefits goes on and you can imagine the blessing that comes from sharing traditions, sharing a meal, walking alongside of others who are living outside of their passport country, and of course, sharing stories of how God has transformed our lives through the gospel. Many of our services are online so check us out! Then plan to visit an IBC church if God moves you to a new community for work or study.

IBC churches were born in service to the anglophone population near military bases in Germany and throughout Europe. Today they minister to all kinds of English speaking people in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and beyond. They are Baptist churches that embrace like-minded people from all kinds of church backgrounds who are committed to the commission of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples.

We welcome you to join us! God is doing a great work in our churches and we invite you to join us in our mission to mobilize and multiply disciple making churches. We would love to hear from you. Write me at gensec(at)ibc-churches.org.

Tim Faulkner

Frankfurt, Germany

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